CIGEO, the deep disposal center for 80000m3 of highly radioactive wastes in Bure (Meuse/Haute-Marne) is getting ready, while millions of people have been protesting against it for 30 years so far.
In 1994, after several attempts in other departments, the French national radioactive waste management (ANDRA) settled near Bure (Meuse/Haute-Marne), a village of 92 inhabitants, in order to work on the CIGEO project : a deep geological disposal facility with 30km2 of surface facilities and 300km of underground galleries, that will serve as a repository for the medium and highly radioactive long-lived wastes
generated by France’s current fleet of nuclear power plants, for thousands years.
Right now, there’s no radioactive wastes there, just the so called “research laboratory” of the ANDRA, located 500m underground since 1999. The colonization of territories keeps growing through corruption and democratic masquerade. If we don’t do anything, the request for creating CIGEO will be given in 2018.
Nevertheless, the ANDRA did not wait for this to begin some construction works around Bure in September 2015. In summer 2015, ANDRA lost the right to exploit agricultural lands. In 2016, It began to deforest the Lejuc wood, a strategic location as it is where the galleries have to be built, as well as underground accesses for the radioactive gaz t hat would be constantly emitted.
Since June 2016, we keep fighting by occupying the forest and resisting against all try of eviction. We temporarily stopped ANDRA construction works in a legal way. Since this last September, some people are occupying and living into the wood.
If CIGEO is authorized in 2018, there will be a new railway line from Gondrecourt-le-Chateau to Saudron/Bure, where the station will be built. This means that there would be two transports of radioactive wastes per week for at least 130 years, crossing the country, the countryside, our villages, with all the risk it implies. The railway terminal, the reception and temporally storage area necessitates more than 300 ha. In other words : this is truly a bin in the air, in the fields, in addition to the deep disposal center 500m underground.
And still, although CIGEO is a project with highly environmental and economical risks, some ones are decided to make it to perpetuate the nuclear industry for their own good, condemning not only one territory but also our future for at least… 100000 years.
We’re all concerned ! This project should not born !
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