Bure supports la Borie !

On June 2, during the 123 Trial, in Bar-le-Duc, we learned of the eviction of La Borie, a quite 30-year-old squat in the Cévennes. In response and in support of our friends, a banner was made in front of the court.

More info on La Borie here


    Et sinon, 18 jours avant
    on écrivait ça.

    Cigéo’s DUP : Stakes of a Fool’s Game

    You can find this article in booklet format here: Cigeo’s DUP – english – june 2021 (pdf) — odt What is the DUP ? The Déclaration d’Utilité Publique (DUP), which translates ...   Lire la suite


    Et sinon, 12 jours après
    on écrivait ça.

    L’Affranchie threatened

    L’Affranchie threatened

    On July 8, the trial to annul the sale of L’Affranchie will take place. L’Affranchie was bought about 3 years ago by two people opposed to the Cigeo project. Since then, the house is co...   Lire la suite
