A letter from Anarchist Comrade Ivan, from the prison of Villepinte

Published on Act for freedom now!

I am writing to share a few thoughts and to send some news.

I’d like to begin with something that illustrates the methods of the legal system very well. A few days after my arrest the judge conducting the enquiry, Stéphanie Lahaye, sent two cops of the SDAT [the Anti-terrorism Sub-Direction of the judicial police] (among whom judicial police officer «RIO 1237232»  – like machines, they are called by numbers) to interrogate my daughter and her mother. Obeying her orders, following the procedures of the State justice system they tried to put pressure on a young girl of 12 years. They wanted to question her alone. Her mother obviously refused to abandon her.

An ordinary procedure, banal, a necessary act to establish the truth according to judges and cops. In my opinion, an attempt to spread fear. A warning to my dear ones and to everyone that, in the inquisitorial logic of the Law, persons who are or who put themselves alongside an anarchist accused of direct actions are suspect and must be inconvenienced. This is similar to the logic that was used against me. When the same OPJ, during the GAV hearings [questioning when arrested], asked me – accused me – of giving my support to anarchists imprisoned in France and other countries. Of having written to them and every now and then sent them a little money. Of course, I have often written to many imprisoned compas and have done my best to express my solidarity to them.

Because they are anarchists and also because I am convinced of the justice of and need for the actions that some of them are accused of. I think that solidarity, by any means necessary, with compas hit by repression is fundamental. Avoiding open solidarity with them for fear that repression would spread would be playing into the hands of Justice, accepting its logic. A logic that would make us retreat more and more, to the point of abandoning, or almost abandoning, imprisoned revolutionaries.

Now let’s come to the facts for which I am currently in pre-trial detention. Here is the list of the fire-attacks:

  • 22nd January 2022, a Enedis vehicle (in Paris) and one belonging to SFR (in Montreuil);
  • 20th February, a vehicle of Est Républicain (in Montreuil);
  • 4th March, a car with a diplomatic corps plaque and an Aston Martin (in Paris);
  • 24th April, an Enedis vehicle (in Paris);
  • 11th June, a car with a diplomatic corps plaque (in Paris).

As I said in my first letter, I am also an “assisted witness” in another investigation, started by the Paris PJ. This covers 53 vehicle fires between 2017 and 2021, claimed by anarchists. I don’t  know any more about this part of the case.

In this list there are cars of foreign State institutions (or their high officials), in wealthy districts of Paris. Fires which must give a mitigated image of France to the diplomatic personnel of its international partners. For my part (and I know I am not the only one), I think that all States are directly responsible for the wars, exploitation and repression suffered by billions of people. You could see these fires as a small backlash. While looking forward to something better.

There are also some vehicles of wealthy people and big companies, in the energy sector for example (such as Enedis, subsidiary of EDF). Companies that, under the guise of “energy independence”, are creating the nuclear hazards of today, the possible nuclear disasters of tomorrow. There are companies that numb our brains with their propaganda of capitalist and State values (such as the daily paper l’Est Républicain) or that lock us into the digital spider’s web (such as SFR).

Each of these actions has been explained in a claim and I have nothing to add. As far as I am concerned, I can only support the practice of destructive direct action with all my heart. I support these attacks’ choice of targets, their motivations and the act of openly claiming them as contributions to the anarchist struggle against the State and the capitalist system. The same for the practice of internationalist solidarity with imprisoned anarchists, which these actions have often expressed.

As for the news:

5th October I go before the Juge des Libertés et de la Détention [Judge of Freedom and Detention], who will decide whether to prolong my pretrial detention or to let me out.

The new investigating judge in charge of my case (the previous one changed assignment) is Anne Grandjean, still at the court of Bobigny.

My mail (incoming and outgoing) is still blocked, since 19 July. Apparently it should be unblocked soon (well, you have to take into account the speed of the judicial bureaucracy). In any case, as soon as I can receive it, I will try to answer each person who wrote to me, whom I thank in advance.

The file on the case has been deposited at the prison registry, so I should be able (still taking into account the slowness of the prison bureaucracy) to find out a bit more about what the cops are saying.

My heartfelt thanks go to my loved ones, the compas of  Anarchist Bure Cross, the Cassa Antirepressione delle Alpi Occidentali (also for their kind availability for financial support). And to all of you who wrote to me!

A wink to those who express their solidarity through actions, like the beautiful banner at Bure and that in Caen, the placards at the arrival of Tour de France, the burning of a Vinci van  in Hay-les-Roses, of a company vehicle of Cosmote telecommunications in Athens, of a relais-antenna in Barcelona or the ransacking of relais antennas in the Gers. Thanks!

A fraternal embrace to fellow anarchists locked up in prisons around the world, particularly Alfredo, struggling against 41-bis.

Long live anarchy!


Villepinte, 25th September 2022

To write to me:
Ivan Alocco
n. d’écrou 46355
M.A. de Villepinte
40, avenue Vauban
93420 – Villepinte




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