Published on Indymedia Lille Next Tuesday is Mardi Gras ! And it is also the day when an expropriation judge wants to come and visit the former Luméville station (la Gare), a collective place that ... Lire la suite
(original pubication It’s mardi gare (Shrove Tuesday – Mardi gras in french )! A festive Garnaval is being organized for Shrove Tuesday (March 4), which also happens to ... Lire la suite
On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 9:30 am, an expropriation judge is supposed to go to the Gare of Luméville-en-Ornois as part of the expropriation procedure, which has been ongoing for a few months no... Lire la suite
O joy! You have been waiting for it in this period of expropriations, the new version of the brochure on la Gare : A place te live, organize and resist resistance against the Cigeo project has been... Lire la suite
Hi ! Announcements made by the ANDRA at the 2023 got gonfirmed… We got our files for the enquiry on plots of lands which started the 18th of march 2024. The ANDRA wants everything in less than 20 m... Lire la suite
Important informations are in these two articles : The one you are consulting which contains essentially the program : The on... Lire la suite
Canada is one of the world’s top 4 producers/exporters of uranium, although the country’s electricity generation relies much more on hydro than nuclear power (60% vs. 15%)i. Canada̵... Lire la suite
An interactive map of the area around Bure, depicting the areas owned by Andra and Safer (who works for Andra) has been updated with data from January 2023 and published online, accessible at the f... Lire la suite
Article published on the Cedra website on 20 February. Other articles on struggles can be found on their website. What’s been happening recently? Between news, announcements and review... Lire la suite
If need correction of the translation : please, contact traductions-bureburebure(a]riseup(dot]net At the beginning of the week, was held at the correctional court of Bar-le-duc, eight years after t... Lire la suite
Important informations are in these two articles : The one you are consulting which contains the programmation : The one you ... Lire la suite
We recently learned ANDRA’s aim to launch, by the begining of january, demands for archeological research permissions for nuclear trashbin CIGEO, as well as the expropriations of the last lands tha... Lire la suite