Nancy: Relay antenna fires, 4 years, 2 in prison for B.

Posted on 2021/05/29 by Anarchist Bure Cross Publié le 25 mai 2021 par Attaque Imprisoned since his indictment on September 24th 2020, for the burning of two relay antennas in the Jura during the f...   Lire la suite


June 11, 2021: International day of solidarity with Marius Mason & all long-term anarchist p...

Posted on 2021/05/24 by Anarchist Bure Cross Below, we republish a call initially published on Against another year of state encroachment, against the restriction of free moveme...   Lire la suite


Les rayonnantes, anti-nuclear camp [16-26 august next to Bure]

More informations on the website From august 16 to 26 next to Bure, Let’s meet against the deadly nuclear power and its world of dominations. Where they want to bu...   Lire la suite


les Rayonnantes

Open letter to you who shares memories with Bure

In 1995 you trumbled as you took to the streets in Bar-le-Duc with thousands of Meuse residents protesting angrily against the laboratory project in Bure, In 2002 you pitched your tent with hundred...   Lire la suite


June trial – 123 practical infos!

June 123 is approaching! Call text in english and posters here. And as you know, many people are working to organize a great mobilization for these three days 🙂 So we wanted to send you some PRACT...   Lire la suite


June 1st, 2d and 3rd in Bar-le-Duc, against Cigéo, against nuclear power and against the criminal...

Who are the criminals ?  Discharge for the defendants ! June 1st, 2d and 3rd in Bar-le-Duc, against Cigéo, against nuclear power and against the criminalization of our struggles!   After 4 yea...   Lire la suite


AUTOMEDIA Sessions the 15-16 May 2021

Whether it is for big events or on a daily basis, practicing automedia in a collective manner is useful to : Produce ourselves the information we want to, withouth depending upon the traditional me...   Lire la suite


“Democratic nuclear energy” doesn’t exist

Nowadays, a deceptive discourse is gaining more and more traction: nuclear power, a so-called “decarbonized” energy, could save the climate. This misleading assertion collapses as soon ...   Lire la suite


Arlon: the Zablière evicted

Early this monday morning, March 15, the forces of disorder evicted the zadists present in the area. The Arlon police mobilized last night with the support of the federal police on the outskirts of...   Lire la suite


zad d'arlon

AUTOMEDIA Sessions the 1st & 2nd of April

Whether it is for big events or on a daily basis, practicing automedia in a collective manner is useful to : Produce ourselves the information we want to, withouth depending upon the traditional me...   Lire la suite


[Trial of March 4] The Public Prosecutor’s Office withdraws, the rally is maintained.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office withdraws the appeal of the trial of Andra’s grids. But the gathering in Nancy, the place de la carrière, is maintained. This one was declared in the pref...   Lire la suite


Vive le collage / Long life to collage

Nous relayons une mosaïque de photos de collages d’affiches produites lors des rencontres de l’image engagées (RIEZ – Plein d’affiches contre le nucléaire !) et aussi quelques tags. &nb...   Lire la suite

