Medic training Week 2025

  From June 3rd to 9th, 2024, we’re organizing the 4th edition of our street-medic training course. We invite all those who would like to familiarize themselves with the practice of stre...   Lire la suite


November in La Gare in Pictures

Autumn colours, snow and sunsets : back in pictures on November in La Gare.         Lire la suite


Affiche d'invitation. Dessin d'une caravane sur pilotis de plusieurs mètres de haut. On ne voit pas la surface, tout se passe en hauteur. On y voit des personnages humains et non humains qui bricolent, réparent un vélo en l'air, récoltent des légumes grimpants, écrivent sur des carnet, dorment dans un hamac ou sur le toit de la caravane.

Collective activities every Wednesday in La Gare !

Starting this Wednesday the 25th, La Gare will come to life with all kind of joyful activities : gardening, workshop in the new kitchen cabin, writing, climbing, bike repair, trailers and cabin rep...   Lire la suite


La Gare

Meuse: the tradition of the olympic flame’s relay finally recognized

Originally published on: (in french) A lot of bad things have been said about the Olympic Games – and rightly so – for a long time now. They were already crap in London a...   Lire la suite


Participative workcamp mobile sauna

Close to Bure, a place of emancipation and anti-nuclear mobilisation, the idea of building a mobile sauna, in order to take better care of each other. This care space will be for the use of those w...   Lire la suite


Against ONKALO* and CIGEO SAUNAS instead!
collective care
participative workcamp

[vidéo] bure joke

Short film about an astonishing passage of the police in front of the house of resistance, on the 7th of June 2021…     Lire la suite


Insulation work site at “la Gare” from June 1 to 7 (near Bure – Meuse)

Following the workcamps of the beginning of February which was a great success, we decide to do a 2nd tour. If the main workcamps will take place at the train station, if there are enough people, t...   Lire la suite


La Gare

Defend LA GARE prevent the construction of the Castor route!

la gare de Luméville: In 2004, the site of the old train station of Luméville was bought by anti-nuclear activists. La gare is part of the future railroad line for nuclear waste transports to the p...   Lire la suite
