Call for a week of international solidarity in support to the “8.12” accused

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To all organizations, autonomous collectives, activists and unions committed to social justice.

We are loved ones, friends, families and supporters, and we have been mobilizing since December 8, 2020 to support those targeted by the anti-terrorism operation of the same date.

This case will be judged very soon, from thr 3rd to the 27th October 2023.

We call you to get active regarding this «Case of December 8th» and more generally against the unprecedented expansion of the anti-terrorism arsenal.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share this invitation.


Anarchists greetings


The 8.12 case is an anti-terrorism operation organized by the “Ministry of the Interior” against activists designated by the ministry as «ultra-left activists» and invicted for «association of terrorist criminals».

The DGSI, accompanied by militarized police units (GAO, RAID), arrested nine people – which we bring together under the banner of “anarchists” – whose political commitments were diverse and in different regions: support for refugee families, projects of autonomy and collective places in the countryside, support for victims of state murders, squat of political and counter-cultural activities, ecology and defense of animal liberation, involvement in ZAD’s (temporary autonomous zones in defense of natural places), activism in the punk scene, feminism, the Yellow Vests movement, etc. They are long-time comrades in social struggles.

Recent events continue to prove the acceleration of the use of anti-terrorist forces and the spiral of violence in which the state is sinking day after day. This reminds us that a measure of exeption always ends normalized with massive use and that there will be no turning back without us taking action.


READ: What is the 8.12 case? [in french]


That is why we are preparing the mobilization for the trial of the 8.12 activists.

After more than two years of prosecution, the judge decided to uphold the charges of the DGSI. The defendants, seven people, will go in front of the Chamber 16 (anti-terrorism) of the Criminal Court of Paris for «crime of association of terrorist criminals». The criminal classification was not retained but the terrorist and collective dimension remains despite the total absence of evidence or even links between all the seven people. Several of them are also charged with «refusal to hand over a secret decryption convention».

The trial will take place from the 3rd to the 27th of October. And the accused of 8/12 still risk several years of prison and tens of thousands euros fines.

In the particularly violent judicial context towards the rebels (from Sainte-Soline to the riots of the youth of the popular neighborhoods, the judges had a very heavy hand) and gentle towards the criminals in uniform, This trial is likely to be politically exploited by the government.

Imagine: THE ULTRA-LEFT TRIAL! What a godsend.

But the 8.12 people are no more -ultra- than anyone else. They have their ethics, lifestyles and ideals of social emancipation.

Let’s not let the State take this step! A political trial does not aim to punish individuals but a movement. In order that tomorrow we’ll not all be terrorists, we call for the solidarity of all components of social movements.


Against states that want to divide resistance movements, friendships, collectives and all forms of organizations of the left-wing in general, we demand solidarity in all its forms!

We invite you to show in various forms our determination and rage against their world, and our solidarity with the people who will go to trial in Paris from October 3rd to 27th, 2023.

Every individual, collective and organization can take part in this call. In their own way, with their familiar tools, creativity and imagination! From the most fragile to the most spectacular, all actions make sense. And if it strengthens our links, our thoughts, our responsiveness, then let’s seize this opportunity.

You can share your solidarity on: (prefer the use of PGP)



TWO RALLIES IN FRONT OF THE PARIS COURT: the opening day (3/10) and the verdict day (27/10)

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY WEEK: We call all comrades to mobilize from 16 to 23 September 2023

ORGANIZING SUPPORT EVENTS: until the end of the trial

THE MEDIA COVERAGE OF THE 8/12 CASE: the distribution of our press releases in your social networks, newspapers and media

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: the four-week trial will cost each comrade several thousand euros. Here is an online pool:



