Collective activities every Wednesday in La Gare !

Starting this Wednesday the 25th, La Gare will come to life with all kind of joyful activities : gardening, workshop in the new kitchen cabin, writing, climbing, bike repair, trailers and cabin repair… Of course it’s open for new ideas !


Affiche d'invitation. Dessin d'une caravane sur pilotis de plusieurs mètres de haut. On ne voit pas la surface, tout se passe en hauteur. On y voit des personnages humains et non humains qui bricolent, réparent un vélo en l'air, récoltent des légumes grimpants, écrivent sur des carnet, dorment dans un hamac ou sur le toit de la caravane.


From 2pm, depending on the weather and the people, various activities will be suggested. This Wednesday the 25th, there will be among others a writing workshop and a tour of the future garden. It will also be an opportunity to witness the new constructions of Fête des Barricades if you haven’t come in La Gare for several weeks.

The main idea is to create a friendly moment in La Gare, you can of course come and spend an nice time without doing anything “productive”!

There is a project of punctual workshops in chosen mixity without cis men (not for this week but we can talk about it this Wednesday). It’s also possible to think about other chosen mixities.

We will try to prepare snacks every week for the afternoon. We can end the day with a collective meal but it will be improvised. There’s room in the sleepings (a mixt one and a MINT* one), you can come before and leave after.

To get more info, you can send an email at: garealarevanche (at)
Adress of l’Ancienne Gare de Luméville : RD138 à Luméville-en-Ornois 55130 Gondrecourt-le-Château
More info on La Gare:

See you soon!

*Women, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans


La Gare