Anti-authoritarian anti-nuclear spring meetings on april 17-23, 2024 in Bure (france)

  • Date:

Important informations are in these two articles :

Edit of April 11th: To date, there have been no police checks in the area.

France’s nuclear industry is currently advancing by leaps and bounds.

The CIGEO [1] nuclear waste project is accelerating with the recent announcements of archaeological excavations and expropriations [2] from January 2024 (allowed by the validation of the Declaration of Public Utility).

The main purpose of landfilling the nuclear waste is to maintain and increase nuclear production in France. Vote on the “relaunching” plans for the construction of 6 new nuclear reactors, extending the operating life of reactors already at their “end of life”, training of nuclear engineers in schools, “European taxonomy” [3], etc…

To this must be added the fact that we have never been so close to a nuclear war since the end of the cold war, and that France is the last country in the European Union to produce and possess the atomic bomb.

In this military-industrial context, the race for productivity does not seem to stop on its own. Bure and its surroundings, rural territory that the CIGEO project wants to destroy, become a strategic place to build our struggles, because by opposing their garbage project, we oppose the nuclear industry as a whole.

Since Bure, we think that a time of anti-nuclear meetings on anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist bases must take place to accompany this will to structure the oppositions and give strength to the resistances.

These meetings will take place from Wednesday 17 to Tuesday 23 April 2024. We are still working on the program. We already know that we want transmissions of experiences and practices of struggle, walks, strategic discussions, and joyful moments! If you recognize yourself in these terms, you are invited to these meetings. Do not hesitate to let us know your proposals for the program.

To help us anticipate logistics, it’s cool if you pre-register. It’s anonymous, it’s not obligatory, it’s not binding, but it gives us guidelines on how many people want to come! It’s this way!

More information will come later on
Contact :
Notes :
[1] CIGEO : Industrial Centre for Geological Storage (Centre Industriel de stockage Géologique )
[2] : including the ridiculous recognition of the nuclear industry as “green” energy, with all the European subsidies that this allows


How can I help?

– We want the event to be open to non speaking french people. If you want to help with the translation (in particular: English / German) beforehand or at the moment of the event, don’t hesitate to write to traductions-bureburebure@riseup. net or use the form.
– We are looking for vehicles that can be used during the week and from assembly to help the shuttles (especially if you have contacts for 7 or 9-seater vehicles!)
– Offer workshops / bring in resources
– Any practical help during the event (shuttle, care, canteen etc. )
– Come a few days before / stay a few days after to help to prepare / to dismantle. Preparation begins on 13 April and dismantling ends on 26.
– Help spread the word about the event by sharing articles / transmitting posters or flyers.

Programm – self-managed programming

A schedule will be announced in advance and there will be space to propose discussions / workshop on site. You can also suggest stuff in advance!

Practical organisation

Many tasks of collective and daily life will be self-managed by the participants. We’ll make regular points on it, so that everyone can help and find their place.

The entire event will be free of charge: financial contrubution is according to the possibilities and desires. Once in Bure, it is difficult to find an ATM. For any expenses you will have to plan to come with cash!

Location and transport

The event and the reception will take place at the House of Resistance of Bure, but the entire event will take place on several places, some kilometres away from eachother. So it can be convenient to come by car or with a bicycle. If in addition, you’re willing to participate in the on-site shuttle system (driving or lending your vehicle) that would be great! (It will also be possible to borrow bicycles / to walk / shuttles will be organised on site).

How to get here? – Telephone Shuttle

All the information on the different possibilities to come to meuse can be found on this page: [in english] Have a look at the description of the places on the page if have never been here before. For practicalities, if you come by car, do not hesitate to put an ad on mobicoop to carpool. (Carpooling to Bure*/bure ; Carpooling from Bure, also check if people have posted ads there. If you want to get here by train, you can aim for Joinville or Bar-le Duc. From Bar-le-Duc, a 4€ bus takes you to Gondrecourt-le-Château (Bus timetable here).

A shuttle phone number can be contacted at any time to pick you up in Joinville or Gondrecourt-le-Château.

  • If you’re hitchhiking or on the train: throughout the event, try to get to Joinville or Gondrecourt before these hours : 14h – 18h Joinville // 16h – 20h Gondrecourt. There will be shuttles on a fixed schedule. Especially on Tuesday, April 16 and Wednesday, April 17.
  • If you’re hitchhiking: Contact the shuttle phone to let us know where you are when you arrive in Meuse/Haute-Marne, so we can come to you.
  • In any case, don’t hesitate to contact the shuttle phone if you are lost in the countryside or abandoned at the train station at an unlikely time.
  • Mind to write this number before you start your trip !

Sleeping – food

On-site vegan canteens will cook and we will provide breakfast. If you can and want to dumpster dive on your way coming here, it will be very welcome 🙂. We will only cook vegan stuff. Also the shops are far, if there are any small things that comfort you / that you need, do not hesitate to buy it beforehand.

For the nights there will be several dormitories, some in chosen mixity without cismen, other mixed. Some will be in less heated spaces than others. Do not hesitate to send us an e-mail if you have specific needs, e.g. if you cannot sleep in a dormitory. You can also come by truck or tent if you are not afraid of the cold.


We do not know what the weather will be at this time, the event being in several more or less isolated places. In any case, there are always well-heated spaces and blanket stocks/ sheets. But do not hesitate to take your sleeping bag / blanket and warm clothes (and a head torch for the night!).

Children’s area on request

We do not currently plan spaces and programming for the younger ages. If you have needs on this subject, you can get in touch with us so that we can think about it together.

Dog area

The main place of reception, the house of resistance is not ideal for the non-humans who might want to accompany you we will surely be a lot of people and crowded in the interior. There are also two kittens living here at the moment so we need to take care of them. If you live with non-human buddies who are rather stressed or uncomfortable when being in the midst of other individuals it can be complicated for you. So if you have other places where they can spend the week it can be easier for them and for us. If they come anyway and you want to exchange with us to anticipate your needs do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or via the form.

Police surveillance

 Anti-nuclear struggles are subject to filing. There’s a police presence on the territory of the Meuse. If on a daily basis the checks are infrequent, it is possible that there may be checks during events. We will update the page of the event before the event to give the information at our disposal on the police presence around us. However, we invite you to consult the legal brief here : [in english]
It’s possible that there are requests from the telephone operators or IMSI Catcher from the police to find out about the phones that are entering the territory, if this is a problematic that questions you do not hesitate to consult information on this subject such as the text on mobile telephony: [in french]
A “cop watch” number to get or give the latest information on police activities in the area is set up.


You can contact us by mail at:
