Infinite September

  • Date:

We are organizing a camp during ALL OF SEPTEMBRE 2025, at Luméville-en-Ornois’s former train station, near Bure, East France.

“La Gare” is a historic collective place of the fight against Cigéo. Bought in 2007, it welcomed numerous activists and festive events. Today it’s threatened by currently going expropriations, including alongside the railroad that’s supposed to bring the nuclear waste in Bure’s underground.

You’re invited to come for this super 1 month long camp (!) to embelish La Gare, invest it, raise it’s capacity, to live there with a lot of people and why not all stay there! It will be the occasion to (re)discover the place and to collectively equip ourselves for its defense.

The idea is to create a camp in full horizontality where initiatives and autonomy are at the core.
We want this camp to be anti-autoritarism, ant-nuclear, decolonial, feminist, queer… For this, we will plan workshops and invite collectives. The programmation will be light, so that a lot of room is left for self-organisation and spontanous prog : bring/create your workshop/show …!
The constructions workshop to create and make more functional La Gare’s spaces are an important part of the programmation.
We also imagine some chill and party times!

The set-up will start the 25th of August and will be in choosen mixity without cis-het men (which means with Gay, Intersexe, Non-Binary, Trans, Women and questionning). This chosen mixity will extend for the first 3 days of Septembre to start the camp. For the rest of this camp, it will be possible to organize other time and spaces of various choosen mixity.

You can already note down in your agenda : set-up from the 25th to the 31st of August, then the camp in chosen mixity from the 1st to the 3rd of Septembre, then the camp in mixity form the 3rd to the 30th. We invite you to stay after to extend this camp indefinitly and join the struggle!

If you’re part of a great collectif who would like to take part in the programmation, questions about anything, it’s possible to write at : (PGP encryption available)

We will give precisions on the camp’s objectives and programmation during the next months but you can already write down the dates!!

We already putted in place a preregistration form. It’s anonymous and not mandatory but it helps us know how many poeple will come!

To follow the camp’s info or the local fight :

