Free Louna! News of the case of Louna, trans anarchist girl imprisoned in the context of the fight against A69





[Full article here :]

How to provide support

Louna has been in jail for three months, in solitary confinement in a men’s prison, as is common for trans women. She has a few visits, but her relatives live several hundred kilometers from Tarbes. She also receives many letters of support, which always warm her heart. To get the information to write to her, you can send an email to, because she does not want to publicly disclose her civil status and prison number.

Louna is being repressed by a transphobic judicial system that protects the capitalist interests of the developers of the A69, a highway project whose devastating aspect is well documented. The magistrates also reproach her for not being socially inserted enough, a reason that this classist justice finds sufficient to place someone in pre-trial detention rather than judicial supervision. We invite all anti-capitalist, queer, green activists to ask for her immediate release and share the word: “Free Louna!” You can reprint this communiqué as well as the one of November, print them and share it in the militant places of your city, during rallies, share this during events, create banners…
You can also print and put everywhere the sticker “Free Louna” and create others.

Generally, do not hesitate to take the initiative of any support action that speaks to you. We gather on this website [] all the information related to the situation of Louna. You can put the link on the leaflets, stickers, publications that you distribute and write us following a support action to be shared on the website if you wish.

Finally, you can provide financial support. There have already been several events in support of Louna (a huge thank you!!) which means we can afford the costs of incarceration for now. You can continue to organize, especially if her incarceration is prolonged, or also give on the pot of the anti-rep of A69 [], which supports Louna but also of the hundred ongoing trials of activists of this struggle, which are suffering a huge repression.

Thank you so much for all the solidarity expressed towards Louna, it warms our heart! You are amazing!



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