In solidarity with Rojava we stand!

Exactly 10 years ago, on July 19th 2012, the people of Kobane, a predominantly Kurdish city in the North of Syria, rose up against the state and proclaimed their independance. Since then more and more people in the area have taken their fate and therefore governance into their own hands, tirelessly continuing the struggle for freedom in an area surrounded by hostile forces which have little more to offer than tyranny, war and destruction. With its guiding principles of Democracy, Women’s Liberation and Ecology the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (Rojava) has become a beacon of hope for revolutionary movements worldwide, proving to all that there is, in fact, an alternative, and that human (co-) existence can be more than a cynical and parasitic indulgence aimed for certain self-annihilation.

Now, in the context of war in Ukraine and with the support of NATO, the AKP-led fascist Regime of Turkey has announced a new military offensive against Rojava. The invasion is imminent and we can be certain that it will involve the use of illegal chemical weapons, human rights abuses and forced displacement of thousands of people, just as it has in the past. And all of this with the (material) support of ‘democratic’ states such as France and Germany, who besides turning a blind eye to the genocidal policies of Turkey since generations, are actually aiding its intents by criminalizing all those who show their support for the people of Kurdistan.

In face of all this, we who came here together for the Fête des barricades in La Gare near Bure to fight against nuclear industry and environmental destruction, hereby show our support for Rojava and resistance to the policies of the governments that claim to democratically act in the interest of the people.

Long live the Revolution.


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La Gare
