Updated online map of Andra’s properties

An interactive map of the area around Bure, depicting the areas owned by Andra and Safer (who works for Andra) has been updated with data from January 2023 and published online, accessible at the following address:

The previous post introducing the map:

This new tool aims to gather in one place various mapping data likely to be of interest to opponents of Cigéo. It has been designed to serve several purposes: to inform oneself about the project, to make it easier to locate sites in the field, to serve as a presentation medium during infotours…

Compared to existing solutions, this tool provides :

  • quality background maps, in particular the IGN (National Geographic Institute) topographic map and IGN aerial photos
  • contextual data on the Cigéo project: Andra infrastructures, Andra and Safer cadastral parcels, future Cigéo infrastructures, other nuclear industry actors
  • other data to better understand the local context: surveillance cameras, EHV pylons, wind turbines, telephone towers
  • better security: the map is hosted by BureBureBure and can be accessed via the Tor browser
  • a bilingual interface, in French and English

This map does not pretend to be complete and is bound to evolve. You can send your feedbacks, questions, critics, contributions on the website email address : bureburebure@riseup.net


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