Some news on the situation of the anarchist Ivan (France, August 16, 2022)

Some news on the situation of the anarchist Ivan (France, August 16, 2022)

Here is some news about the situation of Ivan, the anarchist comrade arrested on June 11 near Paris for arson and currently in pre-trial detention in the Villepinte prison.

He is well. After two weeks in a cell on his own between late July and early August, he is back in a cell with another detainee.

While Ivan was in detention, the SDAT (Sous-Direction Anti-Terroriste of the Central Direction of the french judicial police) interrogated his partner. A few weeks later, they also summoned his daughter (who is 12 years old) and mother for questioning. The cops wanted to question the girl, but the mother refused to leave her alone.

The comrade has not yet had access to the investigation files. The magistrate standing in for the judge in charge of the investigation explained the refusal by the fact that Ivan did not say anything during the interrogations. The lawyer will appeal against this decision.

Since July 19, the comrade no longer receives mail (there was only one exception). Maybe because the judge is on holiday? So do not be surprised if your letters remain, for the time being, unanswered. In any case, Ivan has always answered every letter he has received.

We continue to write to him and show our solidarity, through any means necessary.

Long live the fire, long live the attack!

The address of the comrade:

Ivan Alocco
n. d’écrou: 46355
M. A. de Villepinte
40, avenue Vauban
93420 – Villepinte



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