(original pubication manif-est.info) It’s mardi gare (Shrove Tuesday – Mardi gras in french )! A festive Garnaval is being organized for Shrove Tuesday (March 4), which also happens to ... Lire la suite
We recently learned ANDRA’s aim to launch, by the begining of january, demands for archeological research permissions for nuclear trashbin CIGEO, as well as the expropriations of the last lands tha... Lire la suite
O joy! You have been waiting for it in this period of expropriations, the new version of the brochure on la Gare : A place te live, organize and resist resistance against the Cigeo project has been... Lire la suite
Important informations are in these two articles : The one you are consulting which contains essentially the program : https://bureburebure.info/en/programme-rencontres-printanieres-04-2024/ The on... Lire la suite
Important informations are in these two articles : The one you are consulting which contains the programmation : https://bureburebure.info/en/programme-rencontres-printanieres-04-2024/ The one you ... Lire la suite
What is happening in Bure ? The project of building a huge nuclear dump called CIGEO is ongoing since 1994, due to a french law from 1991 about the management of nuclear waste. A second law in 2006... Lire la suite
Article published in french on Indymedia Lille. A lot has happened around the days of action against CIGEO in the vicinity of the Rayonnantes camp at Luméville station in August 2021. A brief revie... Lire la suite
Article published on Attaque. In Bure (France), the State wants to build a center for burrying nuclear waste. In September 2021, the public hearing to determine the public utility (DUP) of the CIGÉ... Lire la suite
The call to action appeared (in French) on Nantes indymedia : https://nantes.indymedia.org/articles/56098 Festive and determined gatherings from Friday 20 to Monday 23 August 2021 near Bure ... Lire la suite
You can find this article in booklet format here: Cigeo’s DUP – english – june 2021 (pdf) — odt What is the DUP ? The Déclaration d’Utilité Publique (DUP), which translates ... Lire la suite
Who are the criminals ? Discharge for the defendants ! June 1st, 2d and 3rd in Bar-le-Duc, against Cigéo, against nuclear power and against the criminalization of our struggles! After 4 yea... Lire la suite
Note : the up-to-date version of the program is available on the website of the Anarchist Bure Cross. The anti-prison week is in less than a month! It will happen from 2 to 8 march 2020 in the old ... Lire la suite