About CIGEO’s progress : toward expropriations, archeological researches and a new prototype tested in Haute-Marne

We recently learned ANDRA’s aim to launch, by the begining of january, demands for archeological research permissions for nuclear trashbin CIGEO, as well as the expropriations of the last lands that people still refuse to give. Those procedures are following the DUP signed by Elizabeth Borne in 2022, against what the last juridical recourse has just been rejected.

Thus, constructions and destructions so-called « aménagements préalables » are supposed to go quicker : expropriations, deforestations, artificialisation of agricultural lands and forests, electric transformer, departemental roads deviations, construction and rehabilitation of dizains kilometers of railway for transport of construction material and radioactiv trashes…

About expropriations, they are supposed to last during 20 monthes from january 2024, according to ANDRA’s calendar. Numerous agricultural and habitation properties are threaten in the short-term. Among them, the Ancienne Gare de Luméville, along the planned railway, is one of the different places around Bure for struggle organisation against CIGEO.

About « archeological researches » and « geotechnical investigatons », 600 forage shafts are supposed to be dug, four 2 500 m² plateforms, between 300 et 400 sondage shafts, 200 piezometers (measuring the water presure in underground waters).

Plus, ANDRA launched, since november, a collaboration with the entreprises Ferry-Capitain and CEGELEC CEM in Vecqueville (forge de Bussy site, next to Joinville, 52). With this 3 million euros contract, ANDRA aims to « test accostage systems between the transport baskets and the galeries entrance door ». This, in parallel with the actual tests led by POMA in Froncles (52) concerning the funicular prototype for the descenderie.

As a remind, DUP does not allow the nuclear trashes burying center CIGEO itself. This means that nothing is lost for now ! Still, everything will go quicker and quicker since the Application for Autorization to Create (DAC), submitted in january 2023, could be validated in the next 3 years, leading to a possible enquête publique in 2026, and the begining of the CIGEO construction in 2027.

The imminent « aménagements préalables » (electric transformer, railway, deforestation, roads) and the expropriations that are planned with it, are givint us the clear signal that we need, now or never, to gather and organise massively ourselves to occupy the territory in order to stop the nuclear trashbin in all those fronts.

First of all, several public reunions about archeological researches and expropriations are supposed to be organised by ANDRA at the begining of january. We will tell you more soon.


For more info about the context :

– CIGEO’s DUP : Stakes of a fool’s game

– Defend la Gare, prevent the construction of the CASTOR route !

– The old station of Lumeville, a juridical and physical barrer to CIGEO

– Opposing the works on CIGEO : booklet of concrete information


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