Association of criminals POMA : full support to the accused !

We said to ourselves that we would not stop at a banner, which reminds you of us.

You, POMA, CIGEO, the repression of course, but also the joy and the courage that we give ourselves.

In support of the accused, to inform and to fight against all these nuclear companies, we launch a meeting in Froncles, on May 7, 2022 at noon!

Froncles is 40km south of Bure, where POMA, the world leader in cable transportation, is building the full-size prototype of the funicular that will lower the radioactive barrels 500m underground.

We’re going to have a picnic, we’ll say more soon.

POMA, we’re going to bring you down


association de malfaiteurs

    Et sinon, 21 jours après
    on écrivait ça
    sur le même sujet.

    Toulouse: Against POMA, nuclear power and repre...

    Translation from ActForFree – via   A few days ago, two people were arrested in Savoie, accused of having participated in the dismantling of infrastructure in the Alps carried out b...   Lire la suite