Letter from Alfredo Cospito – Anti-prison week

Published on anarchistburecross.noblogs.org   Contribution on the occasion of the 3rd anti-prison days in Bure from March 2 to 8, 2020 We publish below a text by Alfredo Cospito, sent to us fr...   Lire la suite



Today there was snow at the former station of Luméville. It was beautiful.     Lire la suite


“Opposing the works on Cigéo”, booklet of concrete information

Original french article from Indymedia Lille In Bure, even if the Cigéo nuclear waste burial project is not yet validated, works are in progress. Surveyors and naturalists are prowling around, bore...   Lire la suite


2 Castor atomic trains each week for 100 years? Story of the day of August 21

With a little delay, here is the relay of an article published on the blog of Eichhörnchen the squirrel, on the day of August 21, 2021 between Horville and Gondrecourt-le-Château. Demo against Cigé...   Lire la suite


Appointments at court

As the mobilization has been strong in the last months, we have also suffered from police repression. Here are the dates for the month of September: – This Friday, September 10 at 9 am at the...   Lire la suite



Sabotage next to Nancy: No nuclear power, no 5g !

In the heights of the periphery of Nancy, this 18th August, a 5g antenna burned. Ni nuke ni 5G ! (Neither nuclear power nor 5G !) was tagged on a wall of the compound guarding the access to the ant...   Lire la suite



ANDRA get out – Long live handiwork!

Article published in french on Indymedia Lille. A lot has happened around the days of action against CIGEO in the vicinity of the Rayonnantes camp at Luméville station in August 2021. A brief revie...   Lire la suite


les Rayonnantes

1,2,3 Discharge! (Meet on 21st September in Nancy)

Published in french on the 10th of September on noussommestousdesmalfaiteurs. On June 1,2,3, we were several hundred people remodelling as we wished the judicial landscape of Bar-le-Duc, with angry...   Lire la suite


Night-time sabotage of Poma installations

French article initially found on Indymedia Lille.   Owls from here or elsewhere, we swung into the dark night. We followed the tracks of the fox and the roedeer, smelled the early autumn air,...   Lire la suite


Cigéo : let’s pull on the cord ! (video)

Article published on Attaque. In Bure (France), the State wants to build a center for burrying nuclear waste. In September 2021, the public hearing to determine the public utility (DUP) of the CIGÉ...   Lire la suite




This event’s program is available on the onestpasdup website [in french], or on the page of the event [in french]. As expected, the public inquiry about the Request for Declaration of Public Necess...   Lire la suite


Little story of the warehouse, why we went there

On Saturday,the 21 of August, four groups [photos here and here] made a separate journey to meet in front of Andra’s warehouse, in Gondrecourt-le-Château. This building was attacked from several si...   Lire la suite
