Account of the day of action, Saturday 21 August

original text Indymedia Lille / Translated by Act for freedom now! ———————— An account of the day of action near Bure, Saturday 21 August 2021 All Colours Are Beautifull On Saturday 21st, four proc...   Lire la suite


Some pictures of the gatherings of the 21th of August 2021

Today, hundreds of people participated to the festive and determined gatherings, divided into 5 different fingers with different modes of action and themes. While waiting for more info, here are so...   Lire la suite


Les Rayonnantes: a look back at the first days of the camp

Read on It’s already Thursday, August 19!!! The camp started 4 days ago and time is going fast. We were more than 400 per day, and it keeps going up! 120 kg of bread each day, thank...   Lire la suite


Les Rayonnantes: look back onto camp preparation

On Monday 16 August, the Les Rayonnantes camp was officially launched! A look back at the camp’s preparation period. station of Luméville en Ornois. We build many wooden structures: dry toilets, sh...   Lire la suite


[zine] History and context of the struggle in Bure

Here is a map of the territory around Bure, with indications in the following text. It is a representation of the area, in order to better understand the different places and the high points of the...   Lire la suite


Solidarity with Boris

A few days before the beginning of the Rayonnantes camp, we send all our solidarity to Boris, imprisoned in Nacy-Maxéville since september 2020. Boris was imprisoned in the context of repression ag...   Lire la suite


[zine] Collection of articles published on

Hello hello! Here is a compilation of articles published from October 2020 to July 2021 on in English language. If you want to join the translation team, feel free to send an emai...   Lire la suite



Nuclear wastes : But you, what do you suggest ?

Directly from the archives of the antinuke distro, here is again the zine “Nuclear Waste: But you, what do you suggest?” , published on August 23, 2016 on the former site of the struggl...   Lire la suite


Solidarity with Abtin Parsa and anarchists from Iran

Note from Anarchist Bure Cross: in this article, we relay (too late) the call for a week of solidarity (12th-19th of July 2021) with the anarchist Abtin Parsa, published by the Federation of Anarch...   Lire la suite


Festival Les Bure’lesques 2021: cancelled and postponed !

Les Bure’lesques Festival : see you next year ! Our team was almost prepared to launch the 2021 edition. The festival was eagerly awaited for the 6-8 August. The program was packed and totall...   Lire la suite


Teaser for the rayonnantes camp (August 16-26)

Originally published on We have been sent the video teaser of the rayonnantes camp, from august 16th to 26th. Also, this website has more information, so don’t hesitate to ch...   Lire la suite
