March 4 : Mobilization for the appeal of the “ANDRA fence trial”

Call to support Loïc, judged on appeal for the collective attack on Andra’s fence in February 2017 during a massive demonstration.   Four years ago, almost to the day, on February 18, 20...   Lire la suite


January 2017 : Testimony of an assault at Bure

4 years ago, in January 2017, the zine For once I said no was published on “This zine is about rape. Not rape in a dark alley, late at night, by a violent and unbalanced str...   Lire la suite


Training: « Medic all terrain »

On 26/04 – 02/05 2021 we inviting everyone who would like to gain knowlage about medic practice during demonstrations in urban and rural enviroments. This week gonna be on the old « gare » of lumev...   Lire la suite


[Zad du Carnet] Alert : Eviction risk confirmed

All infos on Edit 10/02/2021 : This morning, we had the pleasure to be woken up by the bailiff accompanied by the baddies. We were given the eviction order. On February 4, the local...   Lire la suite


[Zad of Arlon] Threat of eviction on January 26, 2021

For over a year, a parcel of land has been pulled out of concrete. The former Schoppach sandpit, where wild animals and plants coexisted with Sunday walks, is threatened by a zoning project for bus...   Lire la suite


zad d'arlon

Nuclear waste: an « explosive » note highlights the flaws of the Cigéo project.

Published on Reporterre on January, 15th 2021. On Wednesday, January 13, the Environmental Authority delivered a very critical opinion on the Cigéo nuclear waste burial project in the Meuse. Numero...   Lire la suite


(poland) The biggest blockade against felling trees in the Carpathian Forest – activists oc...

In the first days of January, a large-scale campaign was started by activists calling themselves the Wolfens Collective. The group declares that they will remain in the forest as long as it is nece...   Lire la suite


Andra must revise its copy following an explosive notice from the Environmental Authority

Joint press release Burestop 55, Cedra 52, Cacendr, Eodra, Bure Zone Libre, Habitants vigilants de Gondrecourt CIGEO : Andra must revise its copy following an explosive notice from the Environmenta...   Lire la suite


End of « Criminal Conspiracy » investigation in Bure

Read on Reporterre « I guess they won’t kick our doors down each morning for new searches » reacted, with biting sarcasm, one of the charged individuals reached by Reporterre Wednesday, December 2n...   Lire la suite



Reproduction of a text published in the fanzine of the antinuk week of October 2020, which transcribes the point of view of a technocritical technician. Like many of my contemporaries, I am alienat...   Lire la suite


Solidarity with Danni’s occupation !

    Since more than a year, Danni forest (Germany) is occupied. The compagny Deges wants to make the A49 longer, passing through Danni forest. They have already cut 85 hectare of forest and since a...   Lire la suite


Call for actions – POMA is going to get buried !

Published on indymedia nantes : Original website : [CONTEXT] Several local an...   Lire la suite
