Early this monday morning, March 15, the forces of disorder evicted the zadists present in the area. The Arlon police mobilized last night with the support of the federal police on the outskirts of... Lire la suite
Whether it is for big events or on a daily basis, practicing automedia in a collective manner is useful to : Produce ourselves the information we want to, withouth depending upon the traditional me... Lire la suite
The Public Prosecutor’s Office withdraws the appeal of the trial of Andra’s grids. But the gathering in Nancy, the place de la carrière, is maintained. This one was declared in the pref... Lire la suite
Nous relayons une mosaïque de photos de collages d’affiches produites lors des rencontres de l’image engagées (RIEZ – Plein d’affiches contre le nucléaire !) et aussi quelques tags. &nb... Lire la suite
Call to support Loïc, judged on appeal for the collective attack on Andra’s fence in February 2017 during a massive demonstration. Four years ago, almost to the day, on February 18, 20... Lire la suite
4 years ago, in January 2017, the zine For once I said no was published on infokiosques.net. “This zine is about rape. Not rape in a dark alley, late at night, by a violent and unbalanced str... Lire la suite
On 26/04 – 02/05 2021 we inviting everyone who would like to gain knowlage about medic practice during demonstrations in urban and rural enviroments. This week gonna be on the old « gare » of lumev... Lire la suite
All infos on zadducarnet.org Edit 10/02/2021 : This morning, we had the pleasure to be woken up by the bailiff accompanied by the baddies. We were given the eviction order. On February 4, the local... Lire la suite
For over a year, a parcel of land has been pulled out of concrete. The former Schoppach sandpit, where wild animals and plants coexisted with Sunday walks, is threatened by a zoning project for bus... Lire la suite
Published on Reporterre on January, 15th 2021. On Wednesday, January 13, the Environmental Authority delivered a very critical opinion on the Cigéo nuclear waste burial project in the Meuse. Numero... Lire la suite
In the first days of January, a large-scale campaign was started by activists calling themselves the Wolfens Collective. The group declares that they will remain in the forest as long as it is nece... Lire la suite
Joint press release Burestop 55, Cedra 52, Cacendr, Eodra, Bure Zone Libre, Habitants vigilants de Gondrecourt CIGEO : Andra must revise its copy following an explosive notice from the Environmenta... Lire la suite