Read on Reporterre « I guess they won’t kick our doors down each morning for new searches » reacted, with biting sarcasm, one of the charged individuals reached by Reporterre Wednesday, December 2n... Lire la suite
Reproduction of a text published in the fanzine of the antinuk week of October 2020, which transcribes the point of view of a technocritical technician. Like many of my contemporaries, I am alienat... Lire la suite
Since more than a year, Danni forest (Germany) is occupied. The compagny Deges wants to make the A49 longer, passing through Danni forest. They have already cut 85 hectare of forest and since a... Lire la suite
Published on indymedia nantes : Original website : [CONTEXT] Several local an... Lire la suite
Article first published in french on Original english version on Bureburebure note : ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) are anarchist groups supporting incarcerated people... Lire la suite
Article found on indymedia Nantes : Bure : an alarm was set off in a drilling box. In order to oppose the Cigeo project (radioactive waste burial project... Lire la suite
We inform you that the declaration of public utility (DUP) demand file was published. It is available here (french) : It is around 4000 pages b... Lire la suite
First published on News from the Flamanville EPR. From monday october 26th, a nuclear fuel convoy will leave Roman-sur-Isère towards the Flamanville EPR (European pressurised reactor... Lire la suite
In the beginning of September, the Engaged Image Meeting (“Rencontres de l’image engagée”, RIEZ) took place in Bure. For a few days, about forty people created posters, pictures, stickers and vario... Lire la suite
Anti-nuclear week in Bure – Stories and practices from anti-nuclear struggles It is time to give you the latest information about the program, logistics, technical details, what we need, etc.... Lire la suite
Article updated here. It is time to give you the latest information about the program, logistics, technical details, what we need, etc. Enjoy the read, and see you from the 5th of October at the Ma... Lire la suite
According to ILGA research for 2020 so called poland became the most homophobic country in EU. However it is not a suprise for any LGBTQ+ person who live there. The hostile homophobic and transphob... Lire la suite