*05-11 October* Anti-Nuclear Week in Bure – Practices and Stories of Anti-Nuclear Struggles

Anti-nuclear week in Bure – Stories and practices from anti-nuclear struggles

It is time to give you the latest information about the program, logistics, technical details, what we need, etc.

Enjoy the read, and see you from the 5th of October at the Maison de Résistance in Bure (or the week before if you want to help us set things up).

If you are new to this and you are looking for more information on the origins and the idea of the project, you can read this older article.

Anyway, here’s the…

Provisional program

Warning: the program may change and some workshops may not take place when specified.

Provisional program made on September 1st, bound to change, see bureburebure.info (french) for updates.

There will be free moments and places for people to propose discussions and organise workshops on site, so that we can vary the subjects, but you are also free to propose other kinds of activities – bearing in mind that more than one workshop may take place in the same time-slot. Don’t hesitate to come with your own ideas! If you want them to be added to the program, send us an email.

Other workshops that have not been added to this preliminary program have already been organised: foraging-walks to learn how to gather wild plants, data security training, trainstopping exhibition on the fight against nuclear transports, climbing, practical workshops, projection of the film « Un héritage empoisonné », how to make fanzines, discussions with the Bombes atomiques, theatre performances, a concert, choirs, possibly radio, linocut, many more antinuke films, information stands, sound recordings, group trips, presentations on the anti-nuclear struggle in Australia, audios on the fight agains the Chooz nuclear plant, presentation of a book on the resistance against the nuclear plant project near Pellerin…

How to help?

We invite people who would like to help us set up the various spaces (sleeping – workshops – others) to come participate in lots of worksites and installation activities starting from 28th September. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information.

We’re also calling for translators to come to our help. At first, to translate texts and media. Then, during the week, for simultaneous translation during workshops and discussions. We would like to be able to offer at least translations from French to English, German and Italian. And we also need translators from German to French. Write us!

If you know groups who can organise canteens serving large numbers of people during the whole week or even just for some of the days, please contact us as soon as possible.

You can also bring with you sources to share, like films, booklets, books, DVDs, CDs, etc.

Since some of the sleeping places and workshops are spread over a radius of some kilometers around Bure, it would be nice to have some good bikes. If you have some or if you know collectives who can bring bicycles or material to repair them or if you could come by for some bike repair workshops, that’d be nice.

Finally, there’s a page dedicated to a call for donations here (in french) [https://bureburebure.info/nous-soutenir/#donm].


Sleeping places will be distributed in different places in between the villages of Bure and of Mandres-en-Barrois. We have plenty of mattresses, but surely not enough for everybody. If you can bring your own sleeping mat or even better if you’re up for bringing a tent and camping in October, that’d be welcome.

It is possible to try to plan other kinds of sleeping arrangements (accessible for people with reduced mobility, staying at somebody’s place, organisation of specific sleeping places, etc.). Again, in this case, send us an email.


The canteen (there will be breakfast) will be vegan and prix libre (pay what you want/can), you’ll let us know if you have food intolerances. As mentioned above, we are still looking for groups who could take care of meals, or at least some of the meals. On site, we’ll need some big and small help, including at the chopping board.


A webpage lists the various ways to get to Bure (train, car, hitchhiking, …) [https://bureburebure.info/come-to-live-in-bure-and-around/]

Whether you come by train or you’re hitching a ride, it could be important to have the phone number of the Maison de Résistance (the number is monitored by the police) in case you need us to come get you: +33 or you can send us an email in advance.

It is also possible to use mobicoop, a free car-sharing website to carpool. A specific webpage has been created for this: [https://www.mobicoop.fr/evenements/covoiturages/semaine-antinucleaire-a-bure].

Children’s area

We’ll have a self-organised space for children (well, self-organised together with them!).
We’d propose that the parents and those interested organise themselves taking turns to keep the space attended / animated / busy.

If you have toys, felt-tip pens & paper or any ideas for animation, we want them!

There is no age limit (grown-up children are welcome).

Many arrangements are possible, we’d like to know what your needs are so that we can help you organise to meet them.

If you are coming with children, please contact us in advance so that we can organise this area in the best way possible.

Dog area

There have already been cases of dog poisoning in Bure and, given the crowding, we think it is difficult to welcome many dogs at the Maison de Résistance. We can’t be responsible for dealing with the conflicts among dogs that usually happen on these occasions.

If you are coming with dogs, there is a larger field close to the old train station of Luméville, 6 km from Bure, where some of the workshops will take place. We would like to propose that whoever is coming with animals or is interested in taking care of them will organise this space, and take care of food and company.


If you think we have left out something important from this long text, please do not hesitate to contact us in advance.
Face masks and hydroalcoholic gel will be available.

Legal advice

The surroundings of Bure are under surveillance, and there is probable risk of police checks. Please have a look at / print this legal advice paper before you come: [https://bureburebure.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Legal_brief_english.pdf]

You will find updated info on bureburebure.info about police presence and eventual prefectorial orders during the days immediately preceding those of the Anti-nuclear week.

Contacts – further information

Check this page to follow the changes in the program: https://bureburebure.info/event/05-11-october-anti-nuclear-week-in-bure-practices-and-stories-of-anti-nuclear-struggles/.

Contact: semaineantinuk (at) riseup.net



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