June, 26 2023, https://www.leftvoice.org/jujuy-an-indigenous-and-working-class-rebellion-in-the-lithium-triangle/ A pitched battle is taking place in Argentina’s lithium-rich north that has global ... Lire la suite
I was released from prison on June 12. The investigating judge issued an order placing me under judicial supervision. The restrictions are : – a ban on traveling to the Île-de-France neighborhood –... Lire la suite
In Montenegro, the mountains of Sinjajevina are threatened by the installation of a military camp supported by NATO. Strong opposition to this project has won another victory in recent weeks! On th... Lire la suite
Besançon (Doubs): news from Boris Translation : actforfreedom A Good Wheelchair for Boris! April 2020 Two relay antennas illuminate the confined night While half of the world’s population was confi... Lire la suite
Translation realized by someone from french to english, but without any correction. If anyway someone would like to add modifications for the translation, please contact traductions-bureburebure(a]... Lire la suite
Translation realized by someone from french to english, but without any correction. If anyway someone would like to add modifications for the translation, please contact traductions-bureburebure(a]... Lire la suite
The Atlanta Police Department wants to steal and raze the Atlanta Forest, a key area to defend against climate change and storm flooding, to build a dystopian training ground called « Cop City » ... Lire la suite
Translation : lanemesi Update on imprisoned anarchist Ivan Alocco, on the 16th day of new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito (France, January 6, 2023) Ivan on 16th day of hunger strike! We hea... Lire la suite
lanemesi.noblogs.org Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, ... Lire la suite
Edit: shuttle number: 0744211630 if you need to be driven from Joinville or Ligny edit 2: There is a prefectural arrếté that prohibits the transport of flammable materials, construction materials ... Lire la suite
French version. German version. Italian version. LET’S MOBILIZE AGAINST ALFREDO COSPITO’S ISOLATION IN 41-BIS AND FOR AN INTERNATIONALIST REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT Banner in the Station of... Lire la suite
Revolutionary solidarity is a sailboat without borders that rides the waves of the storm! From Bure, we wish to send all our solidarity to our comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently in so... Lire la suite