“Opposing the works on Cigéo”, booklet of concrete information

Original french article from Indymedia Lille

In Bure, even if the Cigéo nuclear waste burial project is not yet validated, works are in progress. Surveyors and naturalists are prowling around, boreholes are being drilled for data collection, a model of the downhill machine is being built by POMA, the renovation of the railway line is being prepared, “firewood cutting”, or beginnings of clearing, are happening in the Lejuc Forest, the electricity network is being densified, the roads are being renovated, and a new police station is being built.

What to do to oppose the progress of the works on Cigéo? This fanzine can be used as an “inspiration guide” to provide concrete informations about the progress of the works, the existing infrastructure and the direct actions that have taken place. It enters into a perspective of sharing knowledge and intensifying the attacks against Cigéo. However, it does not avoid the need for strategic reflection on the struggles to be waged against Cigéo, against nuclear power and against a neo-colonial, capitalist and authoritarian policy.

It exists in French, in booklet format and page by page, and in English, in booklet format and page by page.

An attached map complements it : it is in two sheets, each to be printed in A3 for a result in A2 (large enough to see clearly).

You can make it your own and use it for whatever you like.

Enjoy reading and much more!


To Download in english :

Booklet formatPage by page format

Map part 1Map part 2


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