Folles: Sabotage on a railway linked to a nuclear waste plant

Published by Attaque


In the night of 4th June, an electricity cabin containing the railway signal control was set on fire along the railway leading to Orano’s infrastructures (Orano, ex-Areva, is a French nuclear power giant) in Bessines. What’s at the end of the railway? A uranium mine was there for almost sixty years. After it was closed down (it’s cheaper to extract uranium in poor semi-colonised countries such as Niger), the mine became… a ‘storage plant for depleted uranium oxide’ (that is to say a site of radioactive waste), stored in simple sheds. Orano, the owner of the site, would also like to use the mine tunnels to bury other kinds of radioactive waste (just as State-owned ANDRA wants to do in Bure). To make the pill of this beautiful nuclear democracy sweeter, Orano opened a… nuclear industry museum in the Bessines site.

But we recall that in July 2013 sabotage on the railway caused a nuclear waste train to derail and that in April 2014 the museum was set on fire.
This is the claim of the attack, which was emailed to the press of the regime (the local newspaper Le populaire du centre):
‘For a 30th act [a reference to the Saturday demos staged by so called gilets jaunes], tonight we sabotaged an installation of the train line that serves the nuclear waste site in Bessines. Areva changed the name, but it continues to produce the same radioactive shit, here and elsewhere. The firm has a part in the general trend of capitalist society, which is leading the world to a dead end.
We don’t want nuclear power anywhere, neither here, nor in Bure, nor in Niger. And forget your EPR’.


[Translated from Italian by Act for freedom now!]


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