Here are some groups led by different gravitants* of Bure and other groups in creation or in project.

* « gravitating », people who live, who sometimes or often pass in Bure!


The StopCigéo coordination has been meeting for several years in Bar-le-Duc. It works by co-option and brings together representatives of the different associations fighting against the Cigéo project and other components of the struggle, as well as individuals who have been very involved and constant in the struggle for sometimes several years. The meetings of the coordination are confidential and they focus on the organizational and decision-making aspects of the complementarity of practices and positions within the struggle against Cigéo.


The assembly is meant to be an inclusive space open to the curious, to local residents as well as to local and sometimes distant opponents (support committees and anti-nuclear groups everywhere else). The struggle assembly is not meant to make decisions but rather to be informative and discursive: it is the space for sharing agendas and information from the different components of the struggle and the place for in-depth discussion of major concerns.


One of the most constant and active working groups, with the participation of lawyers, forestry professionals, geologists, naturalists, etc. as well as a good number of individuals active in the associations and collectives of the struggle. This group focuses mainly on administrative complaints against the Cigéo project and other nuclear projects in the territory.


The study group of the legal and administrative documents of Andra and its affiliates (Groupe d’étude des documents juridiques et administratifs de l’Andra et affiliés, GRADOC) is the counterpart of Bure Juridique, a working group that meets quarterly to sort out the opposing documents and provide material for both legal appeals and the popularization of technical information.


Two groups exist, with distinct roles:

The Rural Anti-Repression (Anti-rep rurale, ARR) :

This is a group that acts in support of people who are facing justice. To support these people and help them finance their trials, please send your donations to Cacendr, our anti-rep fund (action collective against the burial of radioactive waste). Thank you!

How to send donations to the anti-rep?

If you receive a summons or have a fee to pay, please contact arr (at) riseup (dot) net

The Legal Team :

In response to the repression, we have created a legal support team permanently present in Bure. Its objective is to collect information about the repression, during the demonstrations or outside, and to support the people arrested or heard by the police and their relatives. The legal team is not intended to replace lawyers, people in the legal team are not professionals. However, it has constituted a network of lawyers and a name of a lawyer to call in case of arrest will be distributed for each action.

A legal brief has been edited by the Legal Team, it is essential to read it. You will find there the main advices before going to action, in case of ID check, etc. On the days of mobilization, a phone number is set up to report any arrest. To find out more about these issues, read « Face à la police, face à la justice »(french).

This french brochure about repression in Bure is not translated yet : « État des lieux de la répression à Bure » (updated septembre 2019)


Driving in the southern Meuse is a thorny issue. Between road checks, geographic isolation and lack of transportation, having a license is quite convenient.

To avoid paying 2000€ and learning how to drive with an instructor whose pedagogy is sometimes questionable and whose affinities are limited, it is possible to pass the code and license exams as an independent candidate.

To prepare, nothing simpler, you can have group code sessions like at a driving school but at home with friends. For the driving, you need a car with double control (we have one, yes we do!) and a driver with more than 5 years of licence.

From then on, all you have to do is to go and haunt the South-Meusian roads while waiting for the D-day and hoping not to meet the scourge of the countryside also known as the gendarmerie. Indeed, even if everything is legal in the above-mentioned trick, cops are not necessarily aware of the hidden corners of the « Macron reform » and tend to be fastidious near the nuclear toilet project.

More info in the brochure where we stole the idea (french):  » L’auto-école buissonnière «  big-up to the ones who did it.

Contact: larouelibre [at] riseup.net


What is automedia?

The existence of an automedia group, both during major events and on a daily basis, has several goals:

  • To produce our own information content without depending on the goodwill of the classic media (often held by private capital)
  • To free ourselves from the stereotypes conveyed by some journalists, by deciding ourselves how we present ourselves
  • To avoid the pitfall of the spokesperson (often imposed by the interview formats of the major media) and diversifying the way we speak
  • To multiply the formats (texts, videos, photos, sound, posters, websites…)
  • To learn collectively how to manage information, to get out of the apprehension we all have about the media and the stakes of communication
  • To do a media watch, to know what is said about us in the media and to be able to react if necessary

Who is it?

It is a flexible group : many people take part in it, often or not, in one way or another. We work to make automedia as broad and inclusive as possible, which is not self-evident and requires us to constantly question our own ways of working! It’s not always easy, but that’s how we move forward.

How does it work?

In order to reach the rather ambitious objectives that it has set for itself, the Automedia de Bure has acquired a few tools over time:

  • Means of dissemination: the website bureburebure.info, the facebook Bure a Cuire, the twitter @ZIRAdies, mailing lists like « bloquonscigeo »
  • A contact interface with the journalists, used as collectively as possible not to create a spokesperson: the email address automedia.bure [at] riseup.net
  • A thick address book, networks of friends in struggle everywhere in France and in the world who can help us to make our voice heard
  • Collective work habits: proofreading texts together, collaborative tools (like online pad), working together on posters, appeals, etc.
  • Free software! to produce, modify, anonymize, publish content.

So far, all this has allowed us to give a good visibility to the fight against Cigéo. But we must always be vigilant to keep a fair course, to avoid sensationalism, to renew our tone, not to confiscate the voice of oppressed people, not to become social network geeks etc. We also learn from our mistakes!


There is a famous saying : « A good computer is a burning computer ». Sometimes, we dare to use the computer, the internets etc. It is not our only contradiction, however we try as much as possible to use free software in a secure way. Our computers run Debian or Tails, we browse with Tor and Bitmask runs in the background, we crowd the riseup servers etc. For more information, read « L’informatique, se défendre et attaquer » et le « guide d’auto-défense numérique  » (french)


Because land and agricultural issues are at the heart of the struggle, but also of our life and settlement projects, we have founded the « Terres de Bure » (Bure lands) collective. The concerns of this composition-changing group are multiple:

  • To alert on Andra’s practices regarding land (read in particular the brochure on land grabbing, and the interview with Jean-Pierre)
  • To defend the reappropriation of land by those who cultivate it, through a dynamic of agricultural squatting on land set aside by the SAFER for Andra. In 2017, wheat, potatoes and onions are cultivated on the squatted fields near the old station of Luméville.
  • To create on the long term the means of our food autonomy.

Contact: terresdebure [at] riseup.net


We need help to translate the articles published on bureburebure.info, as well as some of the leaflets and brochures we write and/or share here. Translations can be done in any language.

We communicate via a mailbox. If you want to participate, great! Just send an email to traductions-burebure[a]riseup.net

Thanks in advance for your help!


The medic meets mainly before mobilizations where people are likely to be injured. It ensures a confidential and consent-respectful first aid.


Created in 2016, it is a political prisoner support and anti-prison group that follows the anti-prison political tradition of the anarchist black cross, an anarchist network that has been fighting since 1900 for the abolition of prisons and political prisoners support.


Contact : aburecross (at) riseup (dot) net


The bakery, the herbalist’s shop, the different agricultural and gardening projects, the collective workcamps, the witches of Bure (phyto group)…